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People who look or act like Meiling, or both!
CardCaptor Sakura (and Meiling) © CLAMP.
Aska from Magic Knight Rayearth Well, they've got looks in common. Their outfits are very similar also. I think Aska's really cool.
Cherry from Saber Marionette J They look sort of alike, but it's Cherry's tendency to fall in love that reminded me of Meiling. She falls head-over-heels in love quite like Meiling does for Syaoran.
Yohko from Devil Hunter Yohko Well, she doesn't really act like Meiling-chan, but I thought her clothing was extremely similar!
Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures I know she's not anime, but she's a kick-butt (and kinda reckless) girl from Hong Kong! She sort of looks like Meiling, too.
Mulan from Mulan She's not anime either, but she too is a girl with incredible bravery and skills from China.
Sakura from Sakura Wars She looks like Meiling and has superb fighting skills! In my opinon she rocks!
Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi All they've got in common is the hairstyle. Miaka's too whiny for my liking!